Search & find

You will find a number of filter options to the left of your search result for products in the online shop. The filters are adapted to the product range in order to make the selection easier for you. You can, for example, filter by manufacturer, availability, dimensions or properties.

Reset filter
Do you no longer wish to narrow down your search results? You can then deactivate all filters with the "Clear all" button.

You can easily reach your desired product area in the online shop via our product navigation.

To do so, click on "Products" in the main menu on the home page. A menu will now open with the 12 main categories and our offers. Each of the main categories contains further subcategories. Clicking on a product area will show you all matching items from the online shop.

You can then narrow down your search results with various filters (seeFilter functions).

Search suggestions
As you enter your search term, a number of search hits will be suggested to you. These are sorted by categories and provide you with a quick overview of content that matches your search query.

Search results
The search results are also divided into categories so that you can find what you are looking for more quickly. They are displayed in different tabs.

Choose from the headings:

  • Products
  • News
  • Locations
  • Further articles

If a tab is not displayed, there is no search result in the corresponding category.