Humidity/pressure/temperature measuring devices

Testo humidity/temperature measuring device testo 610 pocket format 0560 0610

Order No.: 471.9807
Manufacturer number: 0560 0610
Manufacturer: Testo

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The testo 610 thermo-hygrometer can be used to quickly and accurately measure the temperature and humidity indoors, e.g. in offices, warehouses, production facilities or server rooms. The easy-to-use measurement device can also be used to calculate the dew point and wet bulb temperature for ...

The testo 610 thermo-hygrometer can be used to quickly and accurately measure the temperature and humidity indoors, e.g. in offices, warehouses, production facilities or server rooms. The easy-to-use measurement device can also be used to calculate the dew point and wet bulb temperature for you. Both variables are important factors for evaluating the indoor climate and can be used to draw conclusions about the relationship between temperature and humidity.

With its integrated NTC temperature sensor, the testo 610 thermo-hygrometer delivers high accuracy when measuring the temperature. The thermo-hygrometer measures the air humidity with its capacitative humidity sensor, which is known for its long-term stability. The two sensors ensure that the testo 610 is a reliable and durable thermo-hygrometer.

The thermo-hygrometer is easy to operate: The current temperature and humidity values can be easily read on the illuminated display. The calculated dew point and wet bulb temperature value as well as min/max values can also be displayed. With its attachable protective cap, hand strap and belt pouch, the handy thermo-hygrometer can be safely stored and easily taken to any measurement location.

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  • Einfache Temperatur- und Luftfeuchtigkeits-Messung
  • Berechnung von Taupunkt und Feuchtkugeltemperatur

  • Beleuchtetes Display

  • Langzeitstabiler kapazitiver Feuchtesensor

Scope of delivery

  • Thermo-Hygrometer testo 610
  • Schutzkappe
  • Kalibrier-Protokoll
  • Gürteltasche
  • Batterien

Technical data

46 mm
119 mm
25 mm
General information
0,1 °C
+/- 0,5 °C
Humidity measurement range
0 bis 100 %
Weight net
90 g
Temperature data
Operating temperature
-10 bis +50 °C
Storage temperature
-40 bis +70 °C
Temperature measuring range
-10 bis +50 °C
Service life
200 h
Technical modifications reserved. Product images may differ from the actual product and are meant for demonstration purposes only. Absolutely no liability can be assumed for possible indication errors and errors in the manufacturers’ information.

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