Reciprocating piston

Bitzer semi-hermetic compressor CEP1 2KESP-05P-40S 400V

Order No.: 101.4930
Manufacturer number: 2KESP-05P
Manufacturer: Bitzer

To previous product 101.7855

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BITZER ECOLINE compressors
The influence of refrigeration technology on the environment is increasingly a topic of discussion. The energy efficiency of refrigeration systems is a key factor here. The lower the energy consumption, the lower the effect on the environment and life-cycle costs. ...

BITZER ECOLINE compressors
The influence of refrigeration technology on the environment is increasingly a topic of discussion. The energy efficiency of refrigeration systems is a key factor here. The lower the energy consumption, the lower the effect on the environment and life-cycle costs. For this reason, several regions (including within the EU) have already introduced or are preparing guidelines and standards requiring a minimum level of energy efficiency.

The approval of new refrigerants with a low greenhouse effect mean that you are well equipped to meet the requirements of EU F-gases regulations. BITZER has always placed a great deal of value on the economic efficiency of fits compressors and several years ago introduced the BITZER ECOLINE series, specially optimised for use with R134a. R134a has excellent properties, especially for normal cooling and heat pumps. These also include exceptionally good economic efficiency, moderate pressures (reduced leakage) and the lowest GWP value of all non-flammable HFC refrigerants. This enables an exceptionally affordable seasonal energy efficiency, even when using BITZER ECOLINE compressors in very low condensation temperatures. Studies have shown that hybrid designs using R134a with normal cooling and cascades with CO2 freezing systems in supermarket applications have particularly good eco-efficiency (optimum lifecycle costs and TEWI) as well as low energy consumption.

The BITZER ECOLINE series has since been expanded with additional versions for universal use with different refrigerants within the same wide range of applications. Refrigerants include: R134a, R404A, R407A, R407C, R407F, R507A, R450A, R513A, R1234yf, R1234ze(E), R448A, R449A, R452A and R22. These compressors are designed for use with “low GWP” HFO refrigerants and HFO/HFC mixes. A system designed for use with R134a can be later switched to use e.g. R513A (A1 Drop In). When considering flammability, some systems can also later use R1234yf. The performance value (COP) of the BITZER ECOLINE models has been improved by up to 12% compared to the previous series. This has been achieved by various means, including further improvements to the valve plate, reduced flow losses and compressed gas pulsation as well as the use of specially adapted and exceptionally efficient motors. The compressors are designed for use with frequency converters (CE1 to CE2 from 30 to 70 Hz, CE3 to BE6 from 25 to 70 Hz). This allows the cooling power of the system to be precisely adapted to current requirements.

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  • New valve plate design
  • New cylinder head design – low pulsation
  • Minimal loss of pressure from optimised flow conditions
  • New piston and rod design
  • Specially adapted and exceptionally efficient motor

Besonderheit zu R290 (Propan) und R1270 (Propen) (A3 Kältemittel)

Schwerpunkte dieser Technische Information sind die anwendungstechnisch relevanten Kriterien und Maßnahmen beim Einsatz von halbhermetischen BITZER Verdichtern mit Propan (R290) oder Propen (R1270) zum Einbau in gewerblichen und industriellen Kälte-,Klima- und Wärmepumpenanlagen entsprechend ...

Schwerpunkte dieser Technische Information sind die anwendungstechnisch relevanten Kriterien und Maßnahmen beim Einsatz von halbhermetischen BITZER Verdichtern mit Propan (R290) oder Propen (R1270) zum Einbau in gewerblichen und industriellen Kälte-,Klima- und Wärmepumpenanlagen entsprechend der Maschinenrichtlinie 2006/42/EG. Aufgrund der Brennbarkeit dieser Kohlenwasserstoffen gelten für Planung, Bau und Betrieb solcher Anlagen besondere Sicherheitsvorschriften die eine allgemeine Anwendung einschränken (z.B. Ex-Schutzrichtlinien, Betriebssicherheitsverordnungen und Einschränkungen der maximalen Kältemittelfüllmenge). Die erforderliche Risikobeurteilung der Anlage muss der Anlagenhersteller anfertigen. Die Durchführung der Gefährdungsbeurteilung für Aufstellung, Betrieb und Wartung der Anlage liegt dagegen in der Verantwortung des Betreibers bzw. Arbeitgebers.

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Accessories / Replacement parts

  • Kältemaschinenöl für R290 / R1270
    Bitzer refrigeration oil f. R290 Gargoyle SHC 226E can 5L 915 120 04
    Order No.: 531.0160
  • Bitzer refrigeration oil f. R290 Gargoyle SHC 226E can 20L 915 120 03
    Order No.: 531.0158

Technical data

224 mm
273 mm
343 mm
General information
Number of cylinders
2 pcs
Engine Version
Compression type
Electrical Data
Supply voltage
400/3/50 V/Ph/Hz
see explanation 1
max. operating current
4,9/2,8 A
see explanation 1
max. power consumption
1,5 kW
see explanation 1
Weight net
46,0 kg
Performance data
Flow volume
4,06 m³/h
50 Hz at 1450 rpm-1
Pipe connections
Pressure line
12,0 mm
1/2 inch
Suction line
16,0 mm
5/8 inch
Sound data
Sound power level
63,0 dB(A)
(-10 °C / 45 °C)
Oil charge
SHC226E (Standard)
BSG68K (Option)
Oil quantity
1,0 l


  1. Tolerance (±10%) based on the mean voltage range. Other voltages and current types on request
    Δ/Y: 220 .. 240 Δ / 380 .. 420Y/3/50
    265 .. 290 Δ / 440 .. 480Y/3/60
  2. Data for 400 V/3/50 Hz with direct mains power supply. Observe the max. operation current / max. power input when selecting contactors, leads and fuses.
    Contactors: Category AC3. Use overcurrent relay to avoid exceeding max. operating current.
  3. Tolerance (±10%) based on the mean voltage range. Other voltages and current types on request
    PW: Part winding motor
    -4VES-6Y .. 6FE-50(Y) Y/YY
    Wind distribution 50%/50%. Use motor contactors rated to about 60% of the max. operating current Version 3 motor for FC operation: Design contactor for max. operating current at 70 Hz.
    -8GE-50(Y) .. 8FE-70(Y) Δ/ΔΔ
    Wind distribution 60%/40%. 1. Implement both motor contactors for about 70% of the operating current. 2. Implement both motor contactors for about 50% of the operating current.
    - Y/Δ design on request.
    380 .. 420 YY/3/50
    440 .. 480 YY/3/60
    380 .. 400 YY/3/50
    440 .. 460 YY/3/60
    8GE-50(Y) .. 8FE-70(Y):
    380 .. 420 ΔΔ/3/50
    440 .. 460 ΔΔ/3/60
Technical modifications reserved. Product images may differ from the actual product and are meant for demonstration purposes only. Absolutely no liability can be assumed for possible indication errors and errors in the manufacturers’ information.

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