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- Carel Expansion valve coil f. E2V-Z E2VSTAS220 with cable, 2 m
Carel Expansion valve coil f. E2V-Z E2VSTAS220 with cable, 2 m

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The E2V-Z has been developed for applications that for reasons of maintenance require removeable valves. The integrated filter allows for perfect cleaning, even after the system has been started up. The newly integrated valve connection protects the moving parts from impacts. The stepper motor ...
The E2V-Z has been developed for applications that for reasons of maintenance require removeable valves. The integrated filter allows for perfect cleaning, even after the system has been started up. The newly integrated valve connection protects the moving parts from impacts. The stepper motor technology ensures a constant and perfect flow of refrigerant in the evaporator. This increases system efficiency and control stability. Combined with energy saving algorithms such as suction pressure regulation, condenser pressure regulation and smooth line regulation, the controller can work with an amount of refrigerant in the evaporator that is perfectly adjusted to the operating conditions. The ability to separate the valve body, actuator and stator makes installation simple. 1. Only the valve body needs soldering, thus avoiding any excessive heat causing damage to other parts. 2. The choice and installation of the valve takes place during the manufacturing process. 3. The appropriate stator and connection cable are combined when wiring.
The expansion valve coil with 2 m cable can be combined with any valve body and nozzle from the E2V-Z series.
- Refrigerant group 1 = R1234yf, R32, R290, R600, R600a
- Refrigerant group 2 = R134a, R404a, R507A, R407C, R419A, R417A, R1234ze, R448A, R449A, R450A, R513A
- Valve design pressure (MOP, PS) max. 60 bar
- System idle pressure max. 90 bar
- max. Operating pressure differential (MOPD) 35 bar with ...
- Refrigerant group 1 = R1234yf, R32, R290, R600, R600a
- Refrigerant group 2 = R134a, R404a, R507A, R407C, R419A, R417A, R1234ze, R448A, R449A, R450A, R513A
- Valve design pressure (MOP, PS) max. 60 bar
- System idle pressure max. 90 bar
- max. Operating pressure differential (MOPD) 35 bar with bipolar
- Refrigerant temperature -40 to 70 °C
- Ambient temperature -30 to 70 °C
- Step for complete closure 500
- Control levels 480
CO2 applications (subcritical)
- E2V-Z is the ideal solution for refrigeration equipment and cold storage applications using power racks with CO2 process control (subcritical):
- in combination with MPXPRO it guarantees optimum performance using the reliable stepper motor and control technology from CAREL
- Removeable valve, integrated and easy to clean filter
- Can withstand even extreme conditions
- The E2V-Z valve can be controlled by controllers such as those in the EVD series.
- Kältemittel Gruppe 1 = R1234yf, R32, R290, R600, R600a
- Kältemittel Gruppe 2 = R134a, R404a, R507A, R407C, R419A, R417A, R1234ze, R448A, R449A, R450A, R513A
- Ventilauslegungsdruck (MOP,PS) max.60 bar
- Anlagenstillstandsdruck max.90 bar
- max. Betriebsdruckdifferenz (MOPD) 35 bar ...
- Kältemittel Gruppe 1 = R1234yf, R32, R290, R600, R600a
- Kältemittel Gruppe 2 = R134a, R404a, R507A, R407C, R419A, R417A, R1234ze, R448A, R449A, R450A, R513A
- Ventilauslegungsdruck (MOP,PS) max.60 bar
- Anlagenstillstandsdruck max.90 bar
- max. Betriebsdruckdifferenz (MOPD) 35 bar mit bipolar
- Temperatur des Kältemittels -40 bis 70 °C
- Umgebungstemperatur -30 bis 70 °C
- Schritte für vollständige Schließung 500
- Regelstufen 480
CO2-Anwendungen (subkritisch)
- E2V-Z ist die perfekte Lösung für Anwendungen in Kühlmöbeln und Kühlräumen von Verbundanlagen mit CO2-Prozessführung (subkritisch):
- in Kombination mit MPXPRO garantiert es optimale Leistungen durch die bewährte Schrittmotor- und Steuerungstechnik von CAREL
- demontierbares Ventil, integrierter und reinigbarer Filter
- Beständigkeit unter Extrembedingungen
- Das E2V-Z-Ventil kann z.B. von den Reglern EVD angesteuert werden.
Accessories / Replacement parts
Extension cable