Fully synthetic oils

Shell refrigeration machine oil S4 FR-V 68 can 20 L f. refrigerant

Order No.: 531.9910
Manufacturer number: S61101440
Manufacturer: Shell

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Shell Refrigerator Oil S4 FR-V is an alkyl benzol refrigerator oil. Compared to mineral oil based products, Shell Refrigerator Oil S4 FR-V features very high thermal stability and especially good resistance to aging. The build up of slime and other deposits in refrigeration systems is ...

Shell Refrigerator Oil S4 FR-V is an alkyl benzol refrigerator oil. Compared to mineral oil based products, Shell Refrigerator Oil S4 FR-V features very high thermal stability and especially good resistance to aging. The build up of slime and other deposits in refrigeration systems is significantly reduced. Long oil service lives can be achieved, particularly in ammonia systems subject to unfavourable conditions. Shell Refrigerator Oil S4 FR-V can be fully mixed with mineral oil-based refrigerator oils.

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