Notes in accordance with § 6 TDG (German Teleservices Act) as amended by the German Act relating to legal framework conditions for e-commerce (EGG) dated 20.12.2001
Robert Schiessl GmbH
Kolpingring 14, D-82041 Oberhaching
Postfach 1452, D-82033 Oberhaching
Phone: +49 (0) 89 61 306-0
Fax: +49 (0) 89 61 306-115 and 171
Phone: | +49 (0) 89 61 306-0 |
Fax: | +49 (0) 89 61 306-115 and 171 |
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VAT ID No.: DE 811617339
GmbH (company with limited liability), registered office: Oberhaching
Munich Local Court (Amtsgericht), No. HRB 73060
Executives: Dipl.-Kff. Sabine Schießl
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